O vaivém da grande cidade: migração pendular na macrometrópole paulista

A professora de geografia da rede básica de São Bernardo do Campo (SP), Suelen Rosa Pelissaro, 37 anos, realiza viagens diárias à Universidade de São Paulo (USP), local onde estuda desde 2002 e onde agora está para concluir seu doutorado. Ela conta que sempre morou na região do ABC, mas nunca possuiu um transporte particular e, portanto, sempre dependeu dos meios de circulação oferecidos pelo Estado, que têm se tornado cada vez mais precários, em sua opinião. Suelen explica essa movimentação, ma

Em entrevista exclusiva à Esquinas, Jilmar Tatto fala sobre seus planos para São Paulo

Candidato a prefeito de São Paulo pelo PT, Tatto diz quais são as prioridades da cidade e o que pretende fazer na capital paulista Com mais de 20 anos de vida pública, o ex-secretário de transportes e abastecimento de São Paulo, Jilmar Tatto, promete ser um sucessor dos projetos populares iniciados pelo último prefeito do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), Fernando Haddad. Orgulhoso de ter implantado projetos como o que dá almoço e janta nas escolas e as ciclovias na cidade, o candidato petista ap

Pink October: How Cancer Patients Are Dealing With The Coronavirus Pandemic?

Tatiana Correia Santana, 37, is a hairdresser specialized in brides, that owns her salon. She discovered a lump in her breast in December of 2019 by doing a self-exam, just like the ones taught in the Pink October Campaign, and decided to look for a doctor to investigate it. In January of 2020, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and started her treatment, which included chemotherapy and radiotherapy sessions and a mastectomy (a surgery to remove the whole breast). She already ended her chemot

How To Survive The End Of The Semester

The end of the semester can be a rough time. The great amount of exams and assignments make most of the students anxious and stressed. However, it is possible to get through this period more calmly. Check out some tips to help you deal with the end of the semester. The psychologist Katia Cilene Moreschi (@neuropsi_katia.moreschi) explained that it is normal to be stressed out and anxious at the end of the semester, due to the many tasks that have to be completed. She also reminds us that those

How To Learn To Draw By Yourself: Tips, Online Courses & Accounts To Be Inspired By

Learning something, especially in the artistic area, can be extremely funny. Although it takes time and patience, it is an awesome way to exercise your creativity and distract yourself. Therefore, here is some information that may help you through your learning path. Check all these tips out in the list below! To get more accurate information, we interviewed the illustrator and cartoonist Mary Cagnin (@marycagnin), who gave four important pieces of advice for people who want to start or develop

Do Zodiac Signs Matter In A Romantic Relationship?

Astrology has been present for centuries and nowadays it is extremely popular within the millennials. This doctrine tries to understand the influence that the stars have on our lives, including in the romantic area. We interviewed the astrologer Elizabeth Nakata, and she admitted that the signs matter in a romantic relationship, but they are not the most important factor to be analyzed; this would be the synastry. The synastry is the comparison between yours and your loved one birth charts and

“Os processos jurídicos já eram lentos no Brasil, mas durante a pandemia está muito pior”, diz advogado

Juiz afirma que “o judiciário não para”, mas advogados não sentem o mesmo ritmo Muitas instituições vitais para o desempenho do País, dentre elas as judiciárias, sofreram algum tipo de alteração em seu funcionamento diário devido à pandemia do novo coronavírus. O Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ) estabeleceu o regime de Plantão Extraordinário com o intuito de uniformizar o desempenho dos serviços judiciários e evitar o contágio dos trabalhadores. Ele propõe que, exceto para processos urgentes,